Sunday, February 10, 2008

The best four letter word

Yes, I'm talking about beer, my other hobby. I spent the second half of the week attending the 18th Battersea beer festival, sampling more than 50 different real ales from around the UK and beyond. I had a great time, due to excellent beer and excellent company but I'm certainly going to be taking it easy for a while after consuming a prodigious quantity of the lovely stuff.

Expect to see more posts regarding beer in the future, but for the moment, if you're interested in what I've been drinking, have a look at my Ratebeer page, which can be found here. Ratebeer is an excellent resource for keeping track of beers you've drunk, finding interesting new beers to drink and interesting places to drink them in. I heartily recommend it.

One of the hot topics in the real ale world is "beer matching" which means partnering certain styles of beer with certain types of food, in the same way that different wines are paired up with different dishes. I think it's a great initiative as it will help people realise that there is as a great a variety of beer as there is of wine and that beer is perfectly good alternative to drink with a meal.

It also got me thinking as to whether the concept of beer matching could be extended to games. I regularly enjoy a glass or two of a good ale whilst I game and I think there's potential to recommend certain styles to go with certain game genres. A rich old ale to be drunk slowly while contemplating your turn in a strategy game, a hoppy pale ale to be quaffed between rounds of a FPS and perhaps a mild for sipping during the lengthy cutscenes of a Japanese RPG. Cheers!

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